Fit India Movement

Fit India movement at SRIS "A sound mind in a sound body" Is an attempt to promote fitness among school children . SRIS observed fitness week as a part of fit India school week from 1st week of december. Students of SRIS engage themselves in some free hand exercises. These exercises helped the students in toning up their circulatory system and refreshed them with some vibrant and positive energy. Students also did a rigorous yoga session combined with surya namaskar and various asanas for a duration of 45 minutes. This helped the students to deal with their stress and bring back peace of mind. A speech and debate competition was also conducted on the theme 'diet and nutrition during pandemic'. Essay and poem writing competition was also conducted on the theme 'fitness beats pandemic'. A poster making competition was also held on the theme 'hum fit toh India fit'. Students also participated in sports quiz.

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